Sports Scoreboard

Friday, November 5, 2010

Steve Francis signs in China with Beijing Ducks

The media yesterday (November 4) broke the news about Beijing duck and third NBA All-Star guard Steve - Francis (Steve Francis) signed two-year payroll of 200 million U.S. dollars. CCTV basketball commentator Kerry today in the Beijing team confirmed through micro-Bo had been "basically get Francis."
It is reported that Shougang Group, Beijing Duck has been in the United States through the branch staff and to communicate and negotiate Francis, and some agreements have agreed to coach Min Lulei recently went to the United States will also examine the physical state of Francis. The "Fu Laoda" China has also been playing in the lower offer: from the initial 150 million U.S. dollars, to the later 100 million, until the new 70 million U.S. dollars.
1977 Francis was born on February 21 Maryland, the 6-foot 3-inch (191 cm), 1999 graduate of the University of Maryland (University of Maryland), and then become the NBA's second place in the show.
Francis was removed Rockets NBA career, Magic and the Knicks, a total of 576 games, starting 543 games played, averaging 18.1 points 5.6 rebounds and get 6.0 assists. Peak period of the data can reach Francis averaged 21.6 points 7.0 rebounds and 6.4 assists. His last two years in the NBA Rockets played only a dozen times, the field can get 5.5 points 2.3 rebounds and 3.0 assists.
12 years in the NBA, Steve Francis scored a total of one hundred million of about $ 3,500,000 salary, he was the last NBA contract was signed with the Rockets for two years five million dollars.
Francis is currently engaged in real estate, IT and music business, from China to play for his business and market expansion will be helpful.

Almost sad not seeing this guy in the league anymore. I remember him being a really good player. Ever since he got traded out of Houston, he hasn't been the same since.

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