Sports Scoreboard

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mike D'antoni Takes Digs At Former Knicks Star David Lee

With David Lee coming to town Wednesday for his Garden homecoming, Mike D'Antoni appeared to take a dig at the Knicks former big man.

With the Knicks having improved in blocked shots and interior defense over last season, D'Antoni said,

"I don't think it's not a matter of playing hard, just athletically. We got 7-footers who are very athletic. We used to have 6-8 guys who weren't athletic. (Ronny) Turiaf came to us as a shotblocker. (Timofey) Mozgov is 7-1. Amar'e (Stoudemire) blocks shots. (Wilson) Chandler always did. We just have better athletes and taller people. It allows us to play faster. It's not a knock on the other group. They played hard. They weren't athletic enough.''

Lee's downfall with the franchise was an inability to block shots and defend inside.
 source: D'Antoni takes digs at formers Knicks star Lee -

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